These 4 pictures bellow are basically a perfect summarization of the past 36 hours of my life.
They have been quite delightful.
I spent about 6 hours re-reading Harry Potter for the bajjilionth time yesterday afternoon so that's that and that's the best thing in the world.
I spent about an hour dangling my bare-feet from our haymow door in the barn, just thinking about life and how great it really is to be able to live and breath and feel the wind on your feet and the sunlight in your hair and smell the smell of dusty hay and hear the meows of new born kittens that are hiding from anything that dares threaten their young lives (my dog) between the wooden wall and the stack of hay bales.
It really is great that, even though summer is over and I'm back in classes, I have weekends and those weekends are three days long and those three days are filled with great things like thinking about these great things.
It really is nice that I go to an amazing school and I get to learn from teachers who inspire me every day. and I get to be surrounded by my best friends 10 hours of at least 4 days of every week from here until May 7th.
Last night was filled with hours upon minutes of tumblr loving with my cousin Rebekah who I love with my whole heart.
Within these past 36 hours I have drank copious amounts of coffee.
Some doctors sat coffee is good for you. So that's what I'm telling myself because coffee makes me happy.
Tonight I'm taking pictures of two people who are in love and have decided to get married.
Love is good.
Right now I'm listening to Blitzen Trapper and getting very excited about their concert I'm going to this fall.
I really like prepositional phrases today because I can.